Coaching for leadership excellence: Enhancing leadership skills in occupational therapy practice (Online course)

The field of occupational therapy in Canada is constantly evolving, with new trends and challenges emerging in response to changes in the health care system and society. As the field continues to evolve, leadership skills are becoming increasingly important for occupational therapy professionals (Prisco, 2023; Sithamparanathan et al., 2022). This is reflected in the Competencies for Occupational Therapists in Canada, which identify leadership and advocacy as core competencies for occupational therapy practice (ACOTRO et al., 2021). According to Ibarra and Scoular (2019), the manager's role is evolving into that of a coach. Ramao (2022) underscores that leaders with coaching skills not only enhance employee happiness, foster safe work environments, and prevent turnover but also contribute to organizational success by fostering a culture of continuous learning and growth through improved communication, feedback, and monitoring capabilities. These skills are essential for leadership development in occupational therapy to effectively meet the needs of their clients and promote the advancement of the profession.

Course overview 

This online course aims help Canadian occupational therapy clinicians enhance their leadership skills and apply coaching principles to their practice. This four-part online course includes a combination of videos, quizzes, and assignments covering the following topics:

  • Part 1 (approximately 0.5 hour): Principles of coaching and its application in occupational therapy leadership.
  • Part 2 (approximately 1.5 hour) Skills in effective communication, active listening, and feedback delivery to enhance leadership effectiveness. Techniques for building and sustaining a coaching culture within a team and organization.
  • Part 3 (approximately 1 hour): Self-assessment of personal leadership strengths and areas for growth. Establishing an action plan to enhance leadership skills in occupational therapy practice.
  • Part 4 (approximately 0.5 hour): Developing your leadership action plan in occupational therapy.

Learning objectives 

 By the end of this online course, you will be able to:

  1. Understand the principles of coaching and its application in occupational therapy leadership.
  2. Develop skills in effective communication, active listening, and feedback delivery to enhance leadership effectiveness.
  3. Describe techniques for building and sustaining a coaching culture within a team and organization.
  4. Evaluate personal leadership strengths and areas for growth.
  5. Establish an action plan to enhance leadership skills in occupational therapy practice.

Target audience 

This online course is ideal for occupational therapy professionals who wish to enhance their leadership skills, promote effective communication and teamwork, and ultimately improve client outcomes. 

Experience level 

Intermediate (3-5 years of experience in this specific practice area)

Client age groups 

Young children (0-4 years old), Children (5-12 years old), Adolescents (13-19 years old), Adults (20-64 years old), Older adults (65+ years old) 

Areas of practice 

Education & Fieldwork, Health Promotion & Wellness, Leadership & Change Agency, Occupational Therapist Assistant

Time commitment 

Approximately 3.5 hours 




Hélène Thériault, Reg. OT (BC), is an occupational therapist whose 21-year-career has taken her to positions all across Canada from New Brunswick to British Columbia working in both the private and public sectors of health care. Hélène combines her occupational therapy practice with a ‘coach approach’ to support her clients in occupational participation. She believes this approach—tool in her toolbox—has helped her be more efficient and effective in the occupational therapy process and in her leadership role. She is excited to see that more evidence-based research is showing the effectiveness of the ‘coach approach’ in its effectiveness in empowering our clients and developing our leadership skills. Hélène completed a Master of Adult Education at St. Francis Xavier University and became a Certified Coach (PCC) 14-years into a career. She is a member of the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists as well at the International Coach Federation. Hélène is also a clinical instructor at the University of British Columbia facilitating occupational therapy students’ learning.

This purchase provides individual access to this online course for 90 days following purchase. Access the online course immediately following purchase by selecting this online course on My Dashboard on CAOT's learning management system (LMS), using your CAOT My Account login information. Upon completion of the online course, you are eligible to receive a certificate of completion for 3 CCE for the International Coaching Federation.  

No cancellations/refunds will be provided once the purchase is completed. Please visit the Professional Development FAQ for additional information. Please note that the terminology used in this online course is reflective of the CAOT Style Guide at time of recording. If you have any questions, please contact CAOT's Professional Development team at

Hélène Thériault

Reg. OT (BC)

Hélène Thériault, Reg. OT (BC), is an occupational therapist whose 21-year-career has taken her to positions all across Canada from New Brunswick to British Columbia working in both the private and public sectors of health care. Hélène combines her occupational therapy practice with a ‘coach approach’ to support her clients in occupational participation. She believes this approach—tool in her toolbox—has helped her be more efficient and effective in the occupational therapy process and in her leadership role. She is excited to see that more evidence-based research is showing the effectiveness of the ‘coach approach’ in its effectiveness in empowering our clients and developing our leadership skills. Hélène completed a Master of Adult Education at St. Francis Xavier University and became a Certified Coach (PCC) 14-years into a career. She is a member of the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists as well at the International Coach Federation. Hélène is also a clinical instructor at the University of British Columbia facilitating occupational therapy students’ learning.


Please read the Welcome message to continue
Please read the Welcome message to continue Please read some important housekeeping messages
Course outline
Open to download resource.
Open to download resource.
Introduction: Video
Select the "Watch video" button to begin.  |  15 minutes
Select the "Watch video" button to begin.  |  15 minutes
Open to download resource.
Open to download resource.
Open to download resource.
Open to download resource.
Part 1: Video
Select the "Watch video" button to begin.  |  34 minutes
Select the "Watch video" button to begin.  |  34 minutes
Part 2a: Video
Select the "Watch Video" button to begin.  |  31 minutes
Select the "Watch Video" button to begin.  |  31 minutes
Part 2b: Video
Select the "Watch video" button to begin.  |  4 minutes
Select the "Watch video" button to begin.  |  4 minutes
Part 2c: Video
Select the "Watch video" button to begin.  |  24 minutes
Select the "Watch video" button to begin.  |  24 minutes
Part 3: Video
Select the "Watch Video" button to begin.  |  25 minutes
Select the "Watch Video" button to begin.  |  25 minutes
Part 4: Video
Select the "Watch Video" button to begin.  |  15 minutes
Select the "Watch Video" button to begin.  |  15 minutes
Dive In Goals(tm)
Open to download resource.
Open to download resource.
Feedback survey
9 Questions
9 Questions Your feedback is appreciated so we can provide feedback to the presenter and continue to improve our professional development activities.
CAOT Certificate
3.50 contact hours credits  |  Certificate available
3.50 contact hours credits  |  Certificate available
Thank you message
Please read thank you message
Please read thank you message
International Coaching Federation Certificate (optional)
3.00 ICF CCE approved credits  |  Certificate available
3.00 ICF CCE approved credits  |  Certificate available If you wish to receive a certificate for 3 CCE approved by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) Continuing Coach Education, please download this certificate.