Community-based, task-specific exposure therapy for trauma and mental illness (June 07, 2022)

Recorded On: 06/07/2022

Presented by: Michelle Scott

Clients with eating disorders, trauma, phobia, and other fear-related disorders can benefit from exposure therapy. However, generalization of skills from outside the clinic/therapy meeting remains a challenge in mental health settings. Occupational therapists are uniquely positioned to help clients work on their goals in-vivo (i.e. in naturalistic settings) which can increase generalization and uptake of skills. 

 This webinar will provide an overview of the efficacy of task-specific therapy/naturalistic settings and exposure therapy in mental health. The current role of occupational therapists in trauma, phobia and eating disorders will be explained, as well as how occupational therapists can excel in task-specific therapy in naturalistic settings. The presenter will share some examples of community-based, task-specific therapeutic interventions that have shown to promote functional improvements in these client populations. 

After taking part in this webinar, participants will be able to: 

  1. Understand the benefits of community-based, task-specific therapy (as an adjunct to clinical work/therapy meetings) in mental health.
  2. Understand why occupational therapists are well-positioned to bring this type of work into their practice settings. 
  3. Learn some concrete ideas for community-based, task specific exposure therapy for clients with trauma, agoraphobia, and eating disorders.

Level  Advanced (More than 5 years of experience in this specific area of practice

Area of practice Fieldwork/Education, Mental health, Cognitive, Vocational rehabilitation, Health promotion and wellness, Researchers, Psychotherapy, Return to work

Client age group Adolescents (13-19 years old), Adults (20-64 years old)

Language English

Please note that you will have access to the On-Demand Webinar for a period of one year or until the webinar expiry date listed in the CAOT Store, whichever is sooner. The terminology used in this webinar is reflective of the CAOT Style Guide at time of the webinar.


Open to download resource.
Open to download resource.
Recorded 06/07/2022  |  61 minutes
Recorded 06/07/2022  |  61 minutes
Feedback survey
4 Questions
Certificate of completion
1.00 contact hour credit  |  Certificate available
1.00 contact hour credit  |  Certificate available