Equitable access to assistive technology as a means to facilitate occupational participation (September 19, 2023)
Recorded On: 09/19/2023
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Presented by: Dr. Rosalie Wang
Assistive technology products and services (AT) are important elements in the range of interventions delivered by occupational therapist clinicians. It is essential to understand the state of AT access and where equity concerns are within our policies and programs to help and advocate for Canadians to receive the necessary supports. AT are diverse and can facilitate mobility and communication, occupational participation goals, and societal inclusion. AT can assist individuals to exercise their rights, and access to AT is considered a fundamental right. However, access to AT in Canada is inequitable.
This webinar will present up-to-date evidence on this landscape and discuss opportunities and strategies where clinicians can contribute to efforts to advance equitable access to assistive technology that can support occupational participation.
After taking part in this webinar, participants will be able to:
- Appraise the state of assistive technology access in Canada with respect to equity considerations.
- Discuss the implications of assistive technology access (or lack of access) for occupational participation.
- Identify opportunities and strategies that occupational therapist clinicians can use to champion equitable access.
Level Beginner (0-2 years of experience in this specific practice area)
Area of practice Advocacy, Assistive technology, Equipment assessments, Equity and justice, Generalist, Policy development
Client age group Young children (0-4 yrs), Children (5-12 yrs), Adolescents (13-19 yrs), Adults (20-64 yrs), Older adults (65+ yrs)
Language English
Please note that you will have access to the On-Demand Webinar for a period of one year or until the webinar expiry date listed in the CAOT Store, whichever is sooner. The terminology used in this webinar is reflective of the CAOT Style Guide at time of the webinar.