Introduction to dialectical behaviour therapy for occupational therapy professionals (Online course)

Dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) is a skills-based treatment for clients to learn and apply strategies to manage their emotions and behaviours (Mission Australia, 2015). A main facet of DBT is focusing on helping clients live a life worth living, which aligns with occupational therapy professionals working to promote and facilitate occupational participation (Rizvi et al., 2024). By integrating DBT skills into their practice, occupational therapy professionals are positioned to assist clients to improve relationships, cope with difficult situations, and to regulate their emotions. 

Course overview 

This online course offers occupational therapy professionals an opportunity to better understand dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) and how to teach the following DBT skills in their practice: mindfulness, interpersonal effectiveness, emotional regulation, and distress tolerance. This six-part online course includes a combination of videos, self-reflection, experiential exercises, and discussion boards covering the following topics:

  • Part 1 (approximately 1 hour): DBT as a tool to promote occupational participation.
  • Part 2 (approximately 45 minutes): Mindfulness. Benefits of mindfulness. Mindfulness self-assessment and exercises.
  • Part 3 (approximately 1 hour): Interpersonal effectiveness. Assertiveness. Relationships.
  • Part 4 (approximately 45 minutes): Emotion regulation. Subjective Units of Distress (SUDS). Understanding and regulating emotions.
  • Part 5 (approximately 2.5 hours): Distress tolerance. Distress and trauma. Distress tolerance exercises.
  • Part 6 (approximately 45 minutes): Radically Open Dialectical Behavioural Therapy. Cognitive behavioural therapy. Impact on practice.

Learning objectives 

By the end of this online course, you will be able to:

  1. Describe dialectical behaviour therapy.
  2. Utilize at least three mindfulness exercises with individuals and collectives.
  3. Teach at least three interpersonal effectiveness skills to individuals and collectives.
  4. Support individuals and collectives in recognizing their emotions and the physical impact of emotions.
  5. Describe the body’s response to trauma.
  6. Teach at least five distress tolerance strategies to individuals and collectives.

Target audience 

Occupational therapist clinicians, students in occupational therapy programs, and other health professionals who are interested in increasing their familiarity with and confidence in using a dialectical behaviour therapy to assist individuals and collectives in managing thoughts, feelings and behaviours which are creating barriers to occupational participation.

Experience level 

Beginner (0-2 years of experience in this specific practice area)

Client age groups 

Children (5-12 years old), Adolescents (13-19 years old), Adults (20-64 years old), Older adults (65+ years old)

Areas of practice 

Autism/Neurodiversity, Forensic mental health, Mental health, Primary care, Psychotherapy, Substance use/addictions, Veterans Affairs or Armed Forces

Time commitment 

Approximately 7 hours




Lisa Diamond-Burchuk, OT Reg. (M.B.), graduated as an occupational therapist in 1989 from the University of Manitoba and completed her Masters in Occupational Therapy degree in 2017. She has practiced in Manitoba (primarily) and British Columbia in home, acute care, long-term rehabilitation, personal care homes, school and private practice settings; both in rural and urban communities. She has worked with all ages in a wide variety of practice areas and clinical settings. Lisa has developed a passion for the role of occupational therapy in primary care and wants to spread the word about all of the skills in the occupational therapist’s toolbox which enable occupational therapists to support individuals and communities. She teaches skills and approaches such as motivational interviewing, dialectical behaviour therapy (mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness), cognitive behavioural therapy, coping skills, behavioural activation, complex pain management, cultural safety, harm reduction, self-management, and effective goal setting. Lisa has been an instructor at the University of Manitoba for 20 years and developed her DBT practice while providing occupational therapy services at Northern Connections Medical Centre; a primary care clinic serving clients from northern remote communities and members of other underserved individuals and groups. She has also supported the development of emerging community roles through fieldwork and is the founder and chair of the Manitoba Primary Health Care Community of Practice.

This purchase provides individual access to this online course for 90 days following purchase. Access the online course immediately following purchase by selecting this online course on My Dashboard on CAOT's learning management system (LMS), using your CAOT My Account login information.

No cancellations/refunds will be provided once the purchase is completed. Please visit the Professional Development FAQ for additional information. Please note that the terminology used in this online course is reflective of the CAOT Style Guide at time of recording. If you have any questions, please contact CAOT's Professional Development team at

Gord Hirano

OT Reg. (ON)

Gord is an Occupational therapist (OT) with over 35 years experience. He as well holds a masters of rehabilitation counselling degree. Gord is the Executive Director at the Hamilton Program for Schizophrenia. He maintains a clinical practice in OT and psychotherapy using Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), Mindfulness and Motivational interviewing approaches with adult individuals who live with schizophrenia, anxiety, depression and chronic pain. Further, Gord provides psychotherapy supervision to individual OTs and groups of OTs and has provided a multitude of education and trainings in CBT psychotherapy specifically for OTs. 


Please read the Welcome message to continue
Please read the Welcome message to continue Please read some important housekeeping messages
Part 1: Video
Select the "Watch video" button to begin.  |  59 minutes
Select the "Watch video" button to begin.  |  59 minutes
Part 2: Video
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  18 minutes
Select the "View Video" button to begin.  |  18 minutes
Part 2: Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS; Brown & Ryan, 2003)
18 Questions
Part 2: Grounding exercise reflection
Make 1 discussion post to continue.
Make 1 discussion post to continue. After completing the ground exercise, share your reflections with other participants.
Part 3: Video
Recorded 09/01/2024  |  41 minutes
Recorded 09/01/2024  |  41 minutes
Part 3: Assertiveness practice
4 Questions
Part 4: Video
Recorded 09/01/2024  |  29 minutes
Recorded 09/01/2024  |  29 minutes
Part 4: Rate your SUDS (Before body scan)
1 Question
1 Question Before listening to the body scan, rate your SUDS.
Part 4: Body scan (Female voice)
Open to listen to or download MP3 audio.  |  6 minutes
Open to listen to or download MP3 audio.  |  6 minutes Select body scan by Anxiety Canada (2019) in female or male voice, depending on your preference - 6 minutes.
Part 4: Body scan (Male voice)
Open to listen to or download MP3 audio.  |  6 minutes
Open to listen to or download MP3 audio.  |  6 minutes Select body scan by Anxiety Canada (2019) in female or male voice, depending on your preference - 6 minutes
Part 4: Rate your SUDS (After body scan)
2 Questions
2 Questions After listening to the body scan, rate your SUDS (Bruce, 2016).
Part 5: Video
Select the "Watch video" button to begin.  |  89 minutes
Select the "Watch video" button to begin.  |  89 minutes
Part 5: Rate your SUDS (Before breathing exercise)
1 Question
1 Question Before completing the Embodied Breathing Exercise, rate your SUDS.
Part 5: Embodied breathing exercise (CTRI, 2020)
Select the "Listen to audio exercise" button to begin.  |  8 minutes
Select the "Listen to audio exercise" button to begin.  |  8 minutes Listen to this audio exercise from Crisis & Trauma Resource Institute (2020) - 8 minutes.
Part 5: Rate your SUDS (After breathing exercise)
2 Questions
2 Questions After listening to the audio exercise from CTRI (2020), rate your SUDS.
Part 5: Rate your SUDS (Before progressive muscle relaxation)
1 Question
1 Question Before completing the progressive muscle relaxation exercise, rate your SUDS.
Part 5: Progressive muscle relaxation exercise (Therapist Aid, 2014)
Recorded 08/03/2014  |  6 minutes
Recorded 08/03/2014  |  6 minutes Complete this progressive muscle relaxation exercise from Therapist Aid (2014) - 6 minutes. A written version of this script is available from Therapist Aid (2017):
Part 5: Rate your SUDS (After progressive muscle relaxation)
2 Questions
2 Questions After completing the progressive relaxation exercise (Therapist Aid, 2014), rate your SUDS.
Part 5: Rate your SUDS (Before mental imagery)
1 Question
1 Question Before completing the mental imagery exercise, rate your SUDS.
Part 5: Mental imagery (Male voice)
Open to listen to or download MP3 audio.  |  5 minutes
Open to listen to or download MP3 audio.  |  5 minutes Please select either the male or female voice for this mental imagery exercise by Anxiety Canada (2019) - 5 minutes.
Part 5: Mental imagery (Female voice)
Open to listen to or download MP3 audio.  |  5 minutes
Open to listen to or download MP3 audio.  |  5 minutes Please select either the male or female voice for this mental imagery exercise by Anxiety Canada (2019) - 5 minutes.
Part 5: Rate your SUDS (After mental imagery)
2 Questions
2 Questions After completing the mental imagery audio exercise from Anxiety Canada (2019), rate your SUDS.
Part 5: Rate your SUDS (Before mindfulness exercise)
1 Question
1 Question Before completing the mindfulness exercise "Getting grounded in the present" (CTRI, 2020), rate your SUDS.
Part 5: Mindfulness exercise (CTRI, 2020)
Select the "Complete mindfulness exercise" button to begin.  |  3 minutes
Select the "Complete mindfulness exercise" button to begin.  |  3 minutes Complete the mindfulness exercise "Getting grounded in the present" (CTRI, 2020) - 4 minutes.
Part 5: Rate your SUDS (After mindfulness exercise)
2 Questions
2 Questions After completing the mindfulness exercise "Getting grounded in the present" (CTRI, 2020), rate your SUDS.
Part 5: Rate your SUDS (Before guided relaxation exercise)
1 Question
1 Question Before completing the guided relaxation exercise (Practice with Kris, 2014), rate your SUDS.
Part 5: Guided relaxation exercise (Practice with Kris, 2014)
Recorded 02/24/2014  |  11 minutes
Recorded 02/24/2014  |  11 minutes Complete the guided relaxation exercise from Practice with Kris (2014) - 11 minutes.
Part 5: Rate your SUDS (After guided relaxation exercise)
2 Questions
2 Questions After completing the guided relaxation exercise (Practice with Kris, 2014), rate your SUDS.
Part 5: Rate your SUDS (Before deep breathing exercise)
1 Question
1 Question Before completing the deep breathing exercise (Therapist Aid, 2014), rate your SUDS.
Part 5: Deep breathing exercise (Therapist Aid, 2014)
Select the "Complete deep breathing exercise" button to begin.  |  3 minutes
Select the "Complete deep breathing exercise" button to begin.  |  3 minutes Complete the deep breathing exercise by Therapist Aid (2014) - 3 minutes.
Part 5: Rate your SUDS (After deep breathing exercise)
2 Questions
2 Questions After completing the deep breathing exercise (Therapist Aid, 2014), rate your SUDS.
Part 5: Most effective strategies
Make 1 discussion post to continue.
Make 1 discussion post to continue. After experiencing several strategies and exercises throughout this course, share which strategy(ies) were most effective at reducing your SUDS.
Part 6: Video
Recorded 09/01/2024  |  32 minutes
Recorded 09/01/2024  |  32 minutes
Part 6: Impact on your practice
Make 1 discussion post to continue.
Make 1 discussion post to continue. Share how what you have learned in this online course may impact your occupational therapy practice.
Feedback survey
7 Questions
7 Questions Your feedback is appreciated so we can provide feedback to the presenter and continue to improve our professional development activities.
7.00 contact hours credits  |  Certificate available
7.00 contact hours credits  |  Certificate available
Thank you message
Please read thank you message
Please read thank you message