Sustainable value of occupational therapy (October 25, 2022)

Recorded On: 10/25/2022

Presented by: Janet Craik, MSc., OT Reg. (Ont.)  

Human activities, including healthcare practices are contributing to an unsustainable global environment and have a negative impact on the health, well-being and justice of all populations. Healthcare practitioners, including occupational therapists, need to consider how can we can deliver sustainable healthcare practices that promote population health and protect the natural and social environments on which human health and well-being depends. Marginalized and racialized populations are most vulnerable to impacts of climate change, as well as the social injustices embedded in our health care delivery systems. The World Federation of Occupational Therapists (2018) urges occupational therapists to offer sustainable care and states that addressing sustainability in occupational therapy is necessary to facilitate our clients’ well-being and global well-being. There is great opportunity for occupational therapist to 1) practice sustainably and 2) market ourselves as a sustainable option for long- lasting, low- carbon, client-centred, socially-just solutions to enable health and well-being for Canadians.  

This webinar provides an overview of sustainable healthcare, including definitions and principles, and highlights how we can articulate the sustainable value proposition of occupational therapy. Recommendations for further action to advance on sustainable occupational therapy practices will also be presented. 

After taking part in this webinar, participants will be able to: 

  1. Gain knowledge on sustainable development goals, models of sustainable development, principles of sustainable health delivery, pathways to sustainable practice
  2. Learn about tools that will help advocate for and participate in sustainable occupational therapy practices

Level  Beginner (0-2 years of experience in this specific practice area)

Area of practice Acute Care, Advocacy, Assistive Technology, Autism, Brain injury/Concussion/Spinal Cord, Cancer Care, Cardio-Respiratory Care, Caregiver/Family Education, Case Management, Chronic Disease Management, Chronic Pain, Cognition, Community Development/Care/Crisis, Dementia, Developmental Disability, Dysphagia & Digestive Disorders, Driver Assessment & Rehabilitation, Education & Fieldwork, Equipment Assessments, Equity & Justice, Ergonomics, Forensic Mental Health, Generalist, Global Health, Hand Therapy, Health Promotion & Wellness, Home Assessment & Modification, Independent Living & Housing, Indigenous Health, Insurance Assessment, Intensive Critical Care Unit (ICU)/ Emergency Department (ED), Leadership & Change Agency, Medical-Legal Services, Mental Health, MSK Rehabilitation, MVA Rehabilitation, Neurology, Older Adults, Orthopedics, Occupational Therapist Assistant, Palliative/EOL Care, Parental Health, Pediatrics, Policy Development, Primary Care, Psychotherapy, Research, Return to Work, Role-Emerging, Sensory Integration & Processing, Service/Business Administration, Sexuality & Gender, Substance, Use/Addictions, Universal Design, Veterans Affairs or Armed Forces, Vision, Women’s Health, Workplace Health & Safety 

Client age group Young children (0-4 years old), Children (5-12 years old), Adolescents (13-19 years old), Adults (20-64 years old), Older adults (65+ years old) 

Language English

Please note that you will have access to the On-Demand Webinar for a period of one year or until the webinar expiry date listed in the CAOT Store, whichever is sooner. The terminology used in this webinar is reflective of the CAOT Style Guide at time of the webinar.


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Open to download resource.
Recorded 10/25/2022  |  57 minutes
Recorded 10/25/2022  |  57 minutes
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1.00 contact hour credit  |  Certificate available
1.00 contact hour credit  |  Certificate available