The changing landscape of occupational therapy in the delivery of psychotherapy in Canada: current evidence and a path forward (April 4, 2023)
Recorded On: 04/04/2023
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Presented by: Carrie Anne Marshall, Sandra Moll and Pam Wener
Occupational therapists have acknowledged psychotherapy as part of their research and practice in mental health for nearly a century. Recent changes in the Canadian regulatory landscape have prompted reflections on psychotherapy in occupational therapy practice. There is a need to bring together existing knowledge to support the profession. There is a need for a coordinated national response that reflects the unique position of our profession within this changing landscape.
This webinar will describe the current regulatory landscape related to psychotherapy across Canada and define terminology related to counselling, psychotherapy, and psychosocial approaches as they relate to regional differences in occupational therapy regulation. This webinar will also help synthesize historical and current research as it relates to psychotherapy and occupational therapy and identify future possibilities for education, advocacy, research and practice.
After taking part in this webinar, participants will be able to:
- Describe the state of psychotherapy regulation across Canada.
- Critically reflect on strengths and gaps in research on psychotherapy as it relates to occupational therapy.
- Identify education, research and practice priorities related to psychotherapy in occupational therapy practice in a Canadian context.
Level Intermediate (3-5 years of experience in this specific area of practice)
Area of practice Advocacy, Cancer Care, Care partnerr/Family Education, Case Management, Chronic Disease Management, Chronic Pain, Community, Development/Care/Crisis, Dementia, Developmental Disability, Education & Fieldwork, Equity & Justice, Forensic Mental Health, Health Promotion & Wellness, Mental Health, Older Adults, Primary Care, Psychotherapy, Research, Return to Work, Substance Use/Addictions, Veterans Affairs or Armed Forces, Women’s Health
Client age group Young children (0-4 years old), Children (5-12 years old), Adolescents (13-19 years old), Adults (20-64 years old), Older adults (65+ years old)
Language English
Please note that you will have access to the On-Demand Webinar for a period of one year or until the webinar expiry date listed in the CAOT Store, whichever is sooner. The terminology used in this webinar is reflective of the CAOT Style Guide at time of the webinar.