Wheelchair skills training: Application of motor skills learning principles (August 1, 2023)
Recorded On: 08/01/2023
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Presented by: Ronald Lee Kirby, MD and Cher Smith BScOT, MSc (Kinesiology)
Occupational therapists are most effective at teaching wheelchair users and their care partners on wheelchair skills when they utilize the best available evidence on motor skills learning (e.g., Keeler et al., 2019 ; Magill et al., 2021).
This webinar will provide an evidence-based, but clinician-friendly, overview of motor skills learning theory and principles. Although the example of wheelchair skills training will be used to illustrate these principles, this approach is applicable to learning any motor skill.
After taking part in this webinar, participants will be able to:
- Describe how motor skills learning theory contributes to the Wheelchair Skills Program.
- List 5 evidence-based and clinically-relevant principles of motor skills learning.
- Provide an example of each of these principles from their own clinical setting.
Level Intermediate (3-5 years of experience in this specific area of practice)
Area of practice Advocacy, Assistive Technology, Brain Injury/Concussion/SCI, Caregiver/Family Education, Chronic Disease Management, Chronic Pain, Cognition, Equipment Assessments, Health Promotion and Wellness, Mental Health, MVA Rehabilitation, Neurology, Older Adults, Palliative Care/End of Life Care, Pediatrics, Universal Design, Older Adults, Orthopedics, Occupational Therapist Assistant, Palliative/EOL Care, Parental Health, Pediatrics,, Research, Return to Work, Role-Emerging
Client age group Young children (0-4 years old), Children (5-12 years old), Adolescents (13-19 years old), Adults (20-64 years old), Older adults (65+ years old)